Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, Monday....Can't Trust That Day

Oh, the Mamas and the Papas.  Good band.  Four out of five dentists recommend it, in fact.

My room is an absolute mess.  I tend to become more bummed out as my room gets unorganized.  Or maybe my room becomes unorganized when I'm bummed out.  I don't exactly understand the relationship, but there is one.

Whatever the case is, today I am bummed because of my housing situation.  I live in a BEAUTIFUL castle-like dormitory where everyone is artsy and musical, not to mention they're all complete geeks like me.  Collins Living Learning Center.  I posted a picture of my building (Edmondson), the main building, in my last post.  My room is HUGE even though it's a single, and I have an alcove window!  I'm really happy about that.  My desk is inside the alcove, and I always feel really Harry Potter (yep, just made it an adjective) when I sit in it.  Plus, it's close to everything. looks like I'll have to live in Wright next year.  Wright is fine, I guess.  It's a convenient location as far as food goes.  But it's just not Collins.  I am going to miss it here SO much...  I'll miss hearing the bells tell me what time it is.  

I keep checking the housing site every hour or so to see if any singles opened up in the main quad luck for WEEKS, and the window of opportunity is closing quickly!

But onto less dreary things.  You know what rocks?  A toasted every-seed bagel with chive-cream-cheese and alfalfa sprouts on top.  Made into a sandwich.  It is AMAZING.

I suddenly remembered this dream I had ages ago.  Not last night, but a long time ago.  I was running around in some field at night, and there were street lamps here and there, so the grass was lit up.  And suddenly, I was laying on the ground looking upwards.  And then after THAT, I was looking at myself from a third person perspective and saw my body on the ground covered in red butterflies.  The end.  It's kind of a pretty dream, but it doesn't mean anything, which bugs me.

There are people on the road playing really loud rap music.  Durn kids.

Here's what I learned today: If you've stayed up WAY too late for some reason, and you have to go to school/work within four hours, it's not worth it to try to go to sleep.  Pull an all-nighter.  Seriously, you won't be dead all day.  You'll be even MORE exhausted if you try to sleep for a couple hours, or worse, you might sleep in.

That's what I did last night.  I didn't sleep.


  1. I always get bummed when my room is a mess...then I clean it and I feel significantly better!

  2. That dream that you just described sounds like a surreal-type scene from a movie...

    Man, I'd love to recreate that. Somehow, somewhere. My secret dreams of being a successful director are emerging again. O_o

    I would have to agree to disagree on your lesson though: I think it's just me, but whenever I pulled all-nighters, I end up being VERY disoriented and on the brink of hungry/death/sleep the whole day. x__x
