Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sleeping Issues, film studies, and fruit

So, I had a sort of wake-up call (please excuse the semi-pun) about my crappy sleeping pattern.  If you know me, you'll know that I have serious insomnia and usually only sleep about three nights a week.  I pretty much cat-nap, if I get tired, and it usually sustains me. Anyway, the other day, I pulled an all-nighter, which I had to repeat the following night due to ridiculous amounts of homework.  Yeah.  Two all-nighters in a row.  Can you say UNHEALTHY?

Anyway, I thought I was fine, actually.  I didn't feel tired at all, but then in my journalism class, I started hallucinating a bit.  Nothing big - I just thought I was seeing bugs and stuff.  So, I decided to skip the rest of my classes in favour of a much-needed nap.  My psychology teacher reminded me that what I experienced is called "REM Rebound," which basically means you start dreaming while you're awake, and that's NOT good.  I'm just glad I didn't get any aural hallucinations...that sounds like it would be wayyy creepier.

But!  Last night, I got a full seven hours of sleep, and I didn't even have to use the Benadryl I had bought just in case I couldn't drift off.  I know it's technically an allergy medicine, but I think it works better as a sleep aid than anything, really.  I remember once when my mum gave it to me a couple years ago when I was having actual allergies, I was drifting right on the edge of sleep for a few hours before finally falling asleep.  And being right on the edge of sleep is really trippy.  Instead of thinking you're awake and being asleep, you think you're asleep but you're awake...and you wonder where the line of reality vs. dream is.

But, tonight's another restless night.  I'm sitting in bed being a Twilight fanatic as usual, soaking up whatever Twilight news I can find.  Am I not the most ridiculous person ever?  I mean...Twilight kind of sucks, and I recognize that.  It's not very well-written, but it's CRACK.  Absolute crack.  But oh well.  That's not as embarrassing as the fact that my iPod is half-full of Britney Spears.


Blast, I've run out of soy milk.  I love that stuff.  Well, I'm actually sort of a soy milk POSER, because I've never had the plain kind - only the vanilla and chocolate kinds.  And they're amazing.  Go drink them.  Now.  You won't want to stop.  I swear, if Jesus came back right now, I'd be like, "Hold on Jesus, you've got to try this stuff before you end the world, okay?"  And he'd be all, "DUDE, this stuff is the dog's bollocks.  Maybe I should start turning water into THIS."  And I'd be like, "Please do, man."

For the record, I'm not British.  I just use a crap ton of British slang and use the British spellings of some words.  At first, I think I was doing it to be cool, but I've done it for so long that it rather stuck with me, and now it's hard to stop.  My teachers don't seem to mind, though; they don't change the word when I make it British.

Warmer weather is approaching, and I could NOT be happier.  It's supposed to storm today.  Storms always made me happy at home, but also freaked me out a bit.  I had a run-in with a tornado once, and it made me a bit paranoid.  But I LOVE storms here.  I live in a limestone FORTRESS, which makes me feel a lot safer.

Collins needs a troupe of knights.  Or ninjas.  No, knights.  I mean, it's a CASTLE, you know?  Castles need knights.  "The Knights of Collins" has a wonderful ring to it.

I actually went to my political science class today.  I'd been skipping it a lot, because as much as I used to LOVE politics, I now can't stand them (though I'll talk about them whenever I have the chance).  Besides, this particular course is SO similar to the one I took last semester...I feel like going is a waste of time that could otherwise be used...wasting time, yes, but in a way I enjoy, at least.

Besides...I'm thinking about switching my minor/second-concentration/possible second major to film, instead.  I came to IU completely gung-ho on politics, but I think it was really just the hype of the election, and my activism on the campaign that really got to me.  But I really think I'd hate my life and job a lot less if I were a journalist who worked for an Arts Desk.  Or...I could be a film critic, or writer for Entertainment Weekly.  NEW DREAM JOB.  Right there.  Yes.

I mean, for a long time, I always had this bit of myself that wanted to direct movies, and this year was a particularly good year for film.  Lots of great picks at the Oscars, and all.  But to put these perfectly-polished scenes in my head on the would require too much money, a crew, and the confidence of a renowned film studio to make it happen...and I'm thinking that going for that goal is sort of a gamble.  So I'll stick to critique, I guess.  

I'm still going to take a few directing classes at IU.  Only problem with that is that I'll have to take an acting class as a prerequisite, which is bound to be humiliating.  I've never tried acting.  No school plays, no little skits...nothing.  Besides, I'll bet that this acting class will teach it the theatre way...not the film way.   Theatre acting is so exaggerated and unrealistic.  It's the kind of acting for people who can't act in a realistic way, I've always thought.  Not that it doesn't take talent as's just that if I MUST take an acting class, I'd much rather take one that focuses on the way they do it for films, not plays.

A friend from Purdue is visiting IU this weekend, but mostly to see other people.  Still, he's letting me borrow ten movies which I will watch and then swap critique with him.  He's a film major, a thinker, and an all-around good guy, so I really feel comfortable discussing my stupid dream to be a director with him - without feeling childish or silly.  It's nice.

Still, I was hoping to go home this weekend, which doesn't look like it's going to happen.  I haven't been home in SIX weeks, and it's looking like I won't be home for another two, until Spring Break.  I miss Joey a LOT.  But we're doing fine.  The long-distance thing has been working for us really well, and I'm glad.  We're going to be ridiculously happy when he's in college with me.  But anyway, my mum and dad have to work too late on Friday to come get me then, and mum works on Saturday.  But dad's got a cold, so he doesn't really want to mess with driving two and a half hours to Bloomington to get me, then two and a half back...  I don't blame him, I guess.

But I need to buy some fruit.  HERE'S the lesson of the day:  When you go to college, make sure that EVERY TIME YOU COME HOME, or EVERY TIME YOU GO TO THE STORE, you buy fruit.  Seriously, you won't realize how much you miss fresh fruit until it's gone, and the dining halls only have apples, bananas, and oranges.  No lies, man.

Anyway, back to my Twi-Nonsense and homework.  Bye!


  1. seriously, stop stealing my dreams!!!

  2. Psssh, just because you're one year ahead of me in school doesn't mean you had it first. Psssh. Pssh. PSSH. Psh.
